
Welcome to my blog Get Well Get Degree, My 120 Day Experiment.  My name is Kevin Crouse, I want to use this site to share with the world aspects of my life that up until now only a select few family and friends knew about.  I suffer from depression and I am hoping this blog, under the Me, Myself and I section will not only be an outlet that will help me share my struggles and triumphs, but will allow others to connect with me.  I hope it will inspire others in my situation to find creative ways to cope with depression, and to know they are not alone.

I created this blog to go with my fundraising campaign on indiegogo.  My goal is to see if I can use unconventional ways to cover my medical expenses and finish my college degree from Central Michigan University.  It is an experiment, something to keep me thinking outside the box.

So, please visit often as I dive into my 120 Day Experiment.  I do not want to solicit money from anyone, you are under no obligation to donate to my fundraising campaign.  I do want you to share this blog with others in hopes of getting a great dialogue going.


Kevin Crouse